Friday 28 March 2014

Which Game is More Enjoyable, Astro Tripper or Galaga?

 Normally, I’m not very into space games or gun games; I’m much more of a turn-based RPG player. I did find Astro Tripper to be a very enjoyable game. However, is it more enjoyable than my favorite gun game, Galaga?

The two games share many similarities; they are both action games taking place in space, where you use your ship to take down enemies. The controls in Galaga are a lot nicer than in Astro Tripper; pushing the buttons on the arcade machine make you feel like you’re really firing missiles at other ships.

Astro Tripper does have much nicer music than Galaga. In Galaga, the only music you hear is before the level starts; there is no music playing during the level. In Astro Tripper, the levels play music the whole time you are playing; you can even select your own music to play during the levels if you go to the options menu.

Of the two games, I much prefer Galaga. Astro Tripper doesn’t show itself as much of a space game as Galaga, and Galaga has easier-to-use and more natural controls

Which of the games is more enjoyable in your opinion?

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